Create and fetch services

Let's use this model we built to perform to basic operations on a Person. We'll create a PersonService class with stati methods to encompass this logic

1. Create

  • Complete the create method to allow creation of a user, and two related pets by extending Person.query()

2. Fetch

  • Complete the fetchByName() method to return a user, or otherwise return undefined
  • Stretch goal: Modify the function to return the linked pets of a user
import {Person} from '../models';
interface Pet {
name: string;
export interface PersonCreateOptions {
name: string;
surname: string;
age: number;
pets?: Pet[];
// When making multiple calls dependent one one another, ensure you wrap in a transaction
export default class PersonService {
public static async create({
}: PersonCreateOptions): Promise<Person> {
try {
const newPerson = await Person.query();
return newPerson;
} catch (ex) {
throw new Error(ex);
public static async fetchByName(name: string): Promise<Person | undefined> {
const person = await User.knex();