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The goal of this assignment is to create a simple build monitor. It is often convenient to create an endpoint that can be used to check the current status of a server or environment. With an endpoint like this implemented it can be monitored externally and can aid is diagnosing the source of issues quickly.

This is a simple React assignment to test your javascript proficiency. First download the project zip from here.

Unzip the file and run the following commands

yarn install
yarn start

This should open the project in your browser. If it does not navigate to localhost:3000


  • The application is only required to work in new versions of chrome
  • The application will receive a list of server health check endpoints.
  • The endpoints should be checked every x seconds (Make this 5 minutes)
  • The endpoint will be an http URL that you must invoke a GET request on, any return code other than 200 means a health check failure
  • The check must be done using the request library
  • The application must store the last endpoint check result
  • Each server must be represented as a block.
  • The health check block will be green for UP and red for DOWN, GREY for other (E.g. request completely failed for example due to not having internet).
  • Clicking on any block must display the last response payload from the health endpoint.

Bonus Requirements:

  • Use flex box to make the server blocks size dynamically (E.g. let the user pick the number of rows and columns)
  • Implement a method to group and differentiate environments, e.g. production vs testing
  • Fire all health checks simultaneously, not sequentially
  • Show the total uptime - how long the endpoint has been reported as up


  • Use httpstat to test common failures
  • You are welcome to display the response from the endpoint but you don't have to process it


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